Sunday, January 15, 2012

Fruits Salad..

This is my "Fruits Salad" as requested by my son. This was taught by a friend of mine last 7 years. It is easy to prepare and you can bring along to your friend's house whenever you visit them. It is delicious to serve as a Dessert,  ..Feel like trying..

What you need ...


Fresh fruits   (I like strawberries, green apples, blueberries)
Plain or flavor Yogurt (1 or 2 small bottle depends on the quantity of your fruits)
A bit of sugar if need (optional)


Cut the fruits to small cubes except for the blueberries
Add in the yogurt
Add a bit of sugar (optional)
Mix it and serve ..


Happy Trying and Sharing is Caring  ( ◜◡‾)(‾◡◝ )..
