As written, "Death is Inevitable"..
It is really hurt to lose someone that we love in our life, but as a human ...this is certain for everyone ..including "ME". Many things happen around us.., take it as a lesson, be it "good or bad" in order to complete our destiny till our final time which we do not know when??...
I am just not ready to lose anyone that I LOVE in my life..
and I do not know whether it is "ME" Next..,
Am I ready for this....??
Am I ready for this....??
The answer is only in the hand of my "CREATOR"..
Till the time comes...
I remain as a servant to my Creator "ALLAH s.w.t"...
I want to be a truthful, loving and caring friend/wife to my "better half" till the end...
I will try to understand my children and learn to let them go when the they are they have to learn how to fly on their own...
My endless LOVE to my mom, dad, sister and brother...
Appreciate the friendship that I have...
Hope for the BEST in everything in my life...
Be is not as easy as written....
Do not Judge...
Take "someone" as they are...I will always remember what my "better half" said to me before.."Accept someone as they are..understand their strengths and weaknesses they accept and understand "Ours"..
Dream and Hope...,
Get a LIFE..., make everyone around you happy..
Till the time comes, I am ............